
Comments & Photos

Updated 11/19/24


Dobsonian Goodies

Apertura/GSO motion/stability fix.

Apertura setting circles prototype
EZ adjust setting circles.
Height adjustment stands


Image Sharpening Masks
Visual: Fix turned down edge.     
Imaging: Remove mirror clip flare.

Custom Mirror Cells
for 6" to 13.1" mirrors.

Optimized support points.
Removes mirror-clip flarirng.

Imaging back-focus fix cell.
Eliminates mirror-clip flaring.


Clamshell & Rotating Rings

For Dobsonian mounts
For Equatorial mounts
Favorite Links

Adventures In Deep Space
Golden State Star Party
Equatorial Platforms

ustomer comments and photos

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Current Customer Photo

2024 - Standard Apertura/GSO type mount kit.

"Hi Mark, thanks for the nice work you did making my base. Here are some pics of it. It is much lighter than the stock base."

Brian F.


2023 - Standard Solid Mount Kit

Kit nicely finished by happy buyer. Nice view of ground board with Teflon riding lightly on laminate ring of rocker box bottom board. Well done Gwinn!

2022 - Standard Solid Mount Kit with Manual Setting Circles.

Orion XT8 in just assembled kit mount. Sanding and finishing next.

"It works great. Thanks Mark!"

Jerel M.  

2022 - Standard Solid Mount Kit

Val said he had a Skywatcher 8 Collapsible Dob but no mount for it. Easy fit into an AstroGoods Standard Mount Kit. His photo shows it in the assembled mount, testing it out before sanding and finishing the kit.

"Got the base, its awesome. It’s awesome to have a functioning dob now! Thanks Mark."

Val P.  

2024 - Custom solid mount with small altitude bearings and integrated height stand. 8" Orion Dobsonian: "Great work. Very stable and smooth."

Thanks. John.

2024 - Custom solid mount with Clamshell Ring and Large Altitude Bearings, 12.5" split tube with binos.

Thanks Jeffrey J!  

2024 - Custom Solid Mount with Large Altitude Bearings, special cherry finish. "Hi Mark, the mount safely arrived at my home yesterday afternoon. Assembly was very easy - it took about half an hour of work and a screwdriver. I took it out to view M42, and the mount is solid with buttery motion. It took off a solid 7.5" of height and 20-30 lbs! My only regret is not ordering rotating rings, but I can live with it. Here is a quick photo of the scope (10" f/7) from my phone. Thanks again!"

Robert K.  

2023 - Custom Solid Mount with Clamshell Ring and Large Bearings Kit.

"I just completed the solid mount with large altitude bearing for my 8 inch f6 reflector. The tube is aluminum. The mount was finished with birch edging on the exposed cut surfaces and I further countersunk the wood screws and added wood caps to hide the screw heads. I upgraded the feet using hockey pucks for better resistance to ground moisture.

Anthony S."  

2022 - Custom Solid Mount Kits With Clamshell Rings And Altitude Bearings

Three mounts, identical height and width but for three different diameter telescope tubes. This allows interchangeability of telescopes on the mounts. Ordered by school science instructor for loaning to students.

2022 - Solid Mount with Large Altitude Bearings, kit.

Al in Florida wanted to get his 8" Arraign off the tripod it came on. Here's the before and after solution, following his fine finishing and assembly work.

Thanks Al!  

2021 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Small Altitude Bearings, kit.

JJ's f/long planet killer split tube beauty. Thanks J!

2021 - Solid Mount with large altitude bearings, kit.

Marc's kit was shipped over a year ago. He took his time to paint, assemble and even add some modifications resulting in this stylish 12 inch "Great White Shark". He requested these specific large altitude bearings after seeing Lisa W's tripod dob, and the crossbar atop the bearings. Thank you Marc for the photo, its a favorite!

2021 - Solid Mount, clamshell rings, small altitude bearings, kit.

"Thanks for the excellent, high-quality base. Here it is finished and ready to dazzle viewers."

John C.



2021 - Solid Mount, Clamshell Rings, Small Altitude Bearings, Kit

"Excellent base. Just fantastic!"

Frank C.  

2020 - Solid Mount, clamshell rings with small altitude bearings. Sky Commander installed.

"I've had this scope since 1980 and I'm not sure when it was built since I acquired it used. The optics are beyond excellent after all these years and I can tell you that I had a ball using it on the new mount with the DSC. That poor old OTA has been in a car wreck and long term storage and many many observing sessions ... but it is still kicking. Your Dobsonian mount is light years ahead of what I put together when I ditched the clunky old German Equatorial. The motion of the mount is great."

Don M.

2020 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings Finished

Ordered with Sky Commander hardware for customer installed DSC. This mount was designed to meet the buyer's seated height preferences.

"Thanks a great mount. I did some daytime testing and the view is steady with my hand on focus or taping on tube. The height of the base is a pleasure for using the scope while seated. Looking forward to a lot of great years of use."

Jeff W. 

2020 - Solid Mount with Altitude Bearings Kit for SkyWatcher 10. Here is another.

Shipped to Germany finished but unassembled to save on transportation costs. Ground board was requested to be under the rocker box completely to keep assembly from rolling during transport. Altitude bearings are offset to correct for poor factory balance causing a nose-heavy tendency.

"The mount runs very smooth and is both very light and portable. Excellent. :) I can easily carry the complete telescope because of the smaller size and holes in both sides. This is a huge step ahead compared to the stock mount. Thank you very much for your effort."


2020 - Solid Mount with Altitude Bearings Kit

"I finished building the mount and refinishing the telescope. Attached are a few photos. They were taken at the club's observing site yesterday. I used the scope/mount to observe about a dozen globular clusters last night. It is working very well. Your dimensions were all perfect, it all fit really well. Thanks for your effort."

Steven P.  

2019 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings Kit

"I thought you might be interested to know that I've now got your mount paired up with a matching equatorial platform and working well. Life is good!"

Greg L.  

2019 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings Kit

"I have finished the mount . It looks terrific. I particularly like the dowels and holes."

Paul B.  

2019 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings.

"It looks great! Can't wait to take it for a test run."

Scott C. - Takahashi MT-160.  

2019 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings Altitude Bearings Finished:

This mount was built for a heavy MN66 Mak-Newt, so we worked with the buyer to sufficiently stiffen with both internal and external bracing. Our collaboration continued even after the mount was delivered in order to test and adjust the stiffness.

"I did the upgrades last weekend and tested several times during the week.
I'm glad to report that the mount works fine now. Looks great too."

Romaine G.  

2019 - Solid Mount with Altitude Bearings kit.

Here is Will's finished 10" SkyWatcher. He asked for the ground board to be completely under the rocker box, which makes it more compact for travel. Notice the offset mounting of the bearings and nice eyepiece holders inside the front board.

"The tube now balances nicely. There is no problem collapsing the tube with the larger, offset bearings and show how much bulkier the stock mount is."

Will S.  

2018 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings, Altitude Bearings and Tube End Rings finished.

"Mark worked tirelessly with me on my mount project. I had many ideas for customization and changes that I wanted to make and he worked with me on every single aspect of it. He would not rest until I was satisfied and his attention to detail and commitment to his customers is truly amazing. Thank you again for everything you did, Mark. I am truly grateful and very happy with my mount."

Patrick S.  

2018 - Solid Mount finished.

"Thanks Mark, you know I have never left the scope in the living room. The black wood mount just did not look living room worthy. Beyond functionality and weight, your mount looks great and I am happy to have in the room now. Will be sure to let folks know where it came from.

I know this is about the most simple mount you make, but it is still a great change for this scope and I am glad I finally did it. It is so much lighter, and a heck of a lot nicer than the standard mounts that come with these or any similar scope.'

Douglas M.  

2017 - Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings kit.

"Hi Mark,

The telescope is working very well. I added encoders to use with my Argo Navis. You did a very nice job on the mount as the pointing accuracy is very good. The scope is an Orion ( English) VX10L, 10" f/6.3. Thank you for all your help with this project. I am happy to recommend your products and services."

Ellis E.

Solid Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings finished.

Ron asked for a replacement for his 10" Orion mount, and a clamshell with bearings 6" to fit the 10" mount. Two telescopes one mount!

"Stand arrived this evening. Great job! Looks super, works great. The most amazing part is that it weighs 1/1,000th the weight of the original Orion stand!! Geez!! The real reason that I wanted the mount, so I could put my 6" to good use also. I had no mount for it before, now it looks good enough to sell. BUT - I won't!!"

Ron D.  

Love the base and mount! Great product! The mount from Orion was like 25+ pounds. Heavy. The lightweight mount weight 14.5 pounds.

Bethel T.  

2024 - Custom Collapsible Mount with Large Bearings and Clamshell Rings kit.

"I spoke with you several times in late 2022/early 2023 and ordered a Dob mount kit. I completed it in early 2023 and have been using it ever since! It is great!"

Murray H.  

2024 - Custom Collapsible Finished Mount with clamshell rings,large bearings and EZ adjust setting circles.

"The movement is greatly improved much easier to stop on an object and keep it in the field of view with small incremental movements.

Super happy with your creation worth waiting for!"

Thanks again,   

Marc L   

2022 - Collapsible Mount with Small Altitude Bearings Kit.

This is the first light photo for Joe's collapsible mount with small bearings kit. It has not been finish sanded or painted yet. Note the bearings fitted precisely to the outside diameter of the tube.


Had first light last night. I think the mount will work well for me (see picture). The collapsing design was a major selling point."

Joe C.  

2022 - Collapsible Mount with Clamshell Rings and Large Altitude Bearings Finished.

12" Orion SkyQuest XX12i Intelliscope owner wrote "The mount arrived, it’s amazing! Thank you Mark! You are a true artist and master craftsman. Everything fits like a glove and looks great. I had high expectations and this mount exceeded them.

Clear skies to you sir!"

Ian C.  

2021 - Collapsible mount with Large Altitude Bearings, kit for 12" SkyWatcher Collapsible.

"I finally finished up my mount. I’m very happy with it. I’m pleasantly surprised how solid the mount is…even with the collapsible nature."

Joe J.  

2021 - Collapsible Mount with small altitude bearings, kit.

"I have finally finished my scope and I love the mount that you have made! I've attached a couple photos and feel free to use them on your website. Thank you again!"

Justin Q.  

2021 - Collapsible Mount, Clamshell Rings, Small Altitude Bearings Kit

Collapsible folded flat. Front and side boards are hinged so everything is one unit. Locking knobs are stored onboard when mount is collapsed.

Upon receipt: "What a beautiful job you did on this mount. Many thanks for the care and precision that went into rendering this functional art object.

Upon completion: "My mount is Varathaned and ready to go. I am still impressed by the precision and intricate carpentry of this device. Again, equal qualities of art and craft. You are the master."

Mick B.  

2021 - Collapsible Mount, kit..

"It worked out perfectly. The scopes pivot and rock so nicely. I made those mirrors in the 70s and made many refinements along the way, but I never expected that I would ever have mounts as fantastic as these! Thank you so much!"

Lou B  .

2020 - Collapsible Mount, clamshell rings, small altitude bearings.

Built with removable tripod legs for added height (see original mount height on table).

"Went together very nicely.
Really can't say enough about how much thought you put into the design. Wow.

Very elegant and stylish, love the legs!!"

Kevin L.

2020 - Collapsible Mount Finished, shown at its 5" collapsed height.

"I think the mount is fantastic Solid when assembled compared to my original mount. Saves me almost 2 cubic feet of storage and transport space compared to the old mount. I really like the brass inserts for the thumb screws. The bearings are silky smooth. I like the thick teflon pads."

Ken L.  



2019 - Collapsible Mount with Clamshell Rings and Altitude Bearings kit.

"Finished the scope this. Thanks for your help. My 3 granddaughters and I painted out Zodiac signs on the scope and mounted the optics this weekend. Having your mount available made the job a lot easier for me."

Mark N.  

2018 - Collapsible mount with clamshell rings and altitude bearings kit.


Thanks, you guys do great work."

Pete M.  

2016 - Collapsible Mount and Altitude Bearings kit:

"Mount works perfectly, going from zero to slightly over 90 degrees. Altitude movement is silk smooth; azimuth movement is firm and precise. Mount height and tube clearance were spot-on! There´s about one inch of clearance."

Marcelo I. - Rio, Brazil  

2024 - Height Adjustment Stand for 6" Orion Starblast. "I received the stand for the Orion Starblast 6 this morning. It fits the telescope perfectly. This will enable me to sit down and operate this table top telescope. Thanks!"

Brad M.  

2020 - Height adjustment stand for custom collapsible mount, clamshell rings, small bearings.

Built with removable tripod legs for added height (see original mount height on table).

"Went together very nicely.
Really can't say enough about how much thought you put into the design. Wow.

Very elegant and stylish, love the legs!!"

Kevin L.

2019 - Tripod Adapted Solid Mount and Altitude Bearings

"Just beautiful! That is one good looking mount. It fits the CG4 like a glove, is buttery smooth, rock solid and is the perfect height for me for viewing while standing (I’m 5’10”). I couldn't be happier. Thanks a bunch Mark, I look forward to working with you again sometime!"

Lisa W.  

2023 - 5" bearings upgrade kit - "I’m finally sending a photo of the Big Bearings on my DIY 10” Dob. They have made a noticeable improvement in “sticktion” which keeps the tube steady at zenith, and on target at public outreach events. (The original bearing setup was too low in friction)".

Russel H.

2023 - 5" bearings upgrade kit attached to 10" Discovery, making elevation more stable with improved motion.

I just finished installing the new bearing. It works great. Almost hated to paint it to match since the craftsmanship looked so nice. But this way it matches the scope and stand.

Mark L.  

2021 5" bearings upgrade kit

"I got the bearing kit stained the wood parts, and mounted it (very carefully!) to the scope. Works great, and looks even better! Good product, and you're a great person to deal with. I posted this picture to CN, and mentioned that I was very pleased with the quality of the parts. Thanks for the excellent product."

Bill S.  

2019 - 12" Bearings replacing 5" factory bearings kit.

"Was able to use the SkyWatcher Dob with the Big Bearings upgrade. Super smooth motions in alt. Very happy with the results so far."

Greg W.  

2024 - Clamshell rings with large altitude bearings.

"I got the 10" scope finished. Had it out last night for the first time and I'm very pleased with it.

As planned, the clamshell assembly also fits my original 13" rocker box allowing me to use the Dob Driver 2 tracking system. sweet.

Thanx for your patience and support in getting it done."

Stephen S.  


2024 - Clamshell rings for 6" f/10 on G11 mount. Another creation by Jeffrey J.