Fix Turned Down
Edge (what
is TDE?)
sizes: for 6", 153mm, 200mm, 8", 250mm, 10", 304mm
12" and 12.5" O.D. mirrors.
Custom/nonstandard size: select custom size masks entering the outside
diameter (O.D.) and inside diameter (I.D.) required (up to 12.5"
diameter and 1.5" wide) in the measurements box.
Imaging - removing diffraction spikes: see imaging
masks cover the mirror outer 1/8 inch, where TDE usually occurs. Construction:
1/8" thick black acrylic, stiff, light weight with a non-reflective
matte side. Three 0.25" holes spaced at 120 degrees allow you to
precisely center the mask at the mirror edge. Use double sided sticky
tape or small Velcro adhesive dots to attach on top of mirror clips.