
Dobsonian Goodies

Apertura/GSO motion/stability fix.

EZ adjust setting circles.
Height adjustment stands


Image Sharpening Masks
Visual: Fix turned down edge.     
Imaging: Remove mirror clip flare.

Premium Mirror Cells
for 6" to 13.1" mirrors.

Optimized support points.
Removes mirror-clip distortions.


Clamshell & Rotating Rings

For Dobsonian mounts
For Equatorial mounts
Comments & Photos

Updated 11/19/24
Diagram of mount at right: (top and middle) Side and front boards, outside braces (in red),
(Bottom) rocker box bottom board (L) and ground board (R). Rollers ride inside ground board.
Lightweight solid mount kit with 18" altitude bearings.
Customer painted kit black to the 8" Orion tube.
Quote Form with shipping and lead time.
Request Form by e-mail.
Remove X in e-mail our address contact@astrogoodsX.com

These are the items in the form:

Your Name
E-mail Address
Shipping Zip Code or country
Kit or Finished Mount Choice

Telescope Tube Circumference 1
Telescope Tube Balance Point 2
Add options EZSC and/or IHAS?
Special requests?

1 Tube circumference:

Use cloth tape measure wrapped overlapping around tube.

2 Tube balance point:

1. Place heaviest eyepiece in focuser.
2. Add finders (optical and 1x) on tube.
3. Roll over broomstick for approx balance.
4. Measure balance point to back of tube.


Mount Type
Orders require 50% deposit.
LW-KM Kit mount.
LW-KMSB Kit mount, 12" altitude bearings.
LW-KMLB Kit mount, 18" altitude bearings. Weight*
LW-KMCRSB Kit mount, clamshell rings, 12" altitude bearings.
LW-KMCRLB Kit mount, clamshell rings, 18" altitude bearings.
LW-FM Finished mount.
:W-FMSB Finished mount, 12" altitude bearings.
LW-FMLB Finished mount, 18" altitude bearings.
LW-FMCRSB Finished mount, clamshell rings, 12" altitude bearings.
LW-FMCRLB Finished mount, clamshell rings, 18" altitude bearings.
Options: add when placing order.
EZSC Integrated EZ Adjust setting Circles.
IHAS Integrated height adjustment stand.

Lightweight Solid Mounts: 50% Deposit

Deposits and refunds: refunds less PayPal transaction fees before custom design drawings are completed. After drawing completion refund is less $50 plus PayPal transaction fees. No deposit ref
unds after parts are cut.

* Weight built for Orion 8" = 14.5 lbs.